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Potala Palace

Potala Palace (English transliteration: the Potala Palace) known as the "second Putuo Mountain", standing in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa's Red Hill on the northwest, is a large-scale castle-style buildings. Originally Songtsen married Princess Wen Cheng to the construction of, reconstruction of the 17th century, the Potala Palace as Dalai Lama's Winter Palace residence, center of the Tibetan theocratic rule. Whole has distinctive Tibetan style palace, built on mountains, impressive.  But the palace was struck by lightning because of fire and war, the ninth century AD, the disintegration of the Tubo Dynasty, Red Hill House gradually waste destroyed. 9-17 century AD, eight hundred years, due to long-term political separatism in Tibet and the history of the Sakya, Pazhu, Karma regimes are not high in Lhasa, Red Hill House has been unable to re-hing, as an important religious event place.

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Watermelon (scientific name: Citrullus lanatus, in English: Watermelon), is Cucurbitaceae, native to Africa. Watermelon is a dicotyledonous flowering plants, shaped like vines, leaves are feathery. Bear fruit it is a fake fruit, and berries are botanists a class known as false. Fruit skin smooth, green or yellow with patterns, fruit, juicy flesh is red or yellow (rarely white) watermelon fruit is the main fruit in summer. In addition to mature fruit contains a lot of moisture, the melon is not ripe watermelon on the vine (19) pulp sugar content is generally the meat 5 to 12%, including glucose, fructose and sucrose. Sweetness of sucrose with the late maturity of the increase. Does not contain starch, during storage after the sweetness of sugar solution as a result of double-reduced sugars. Seeds can be used for cakes and sweetmeats, watermelon rind can be processed into sauce. In Chinese medicine, on the melon juice and rind medicine, functional Qingshu antipyretic.

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