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 Warum ist Japan als "Land der Kirschblüten?" Es gibt hunderte von japanischen Kirschen Sorten sind in der Regel in Yoshino geteilt (rosa-weiß), Kirsche (rosa-weiß), Oshima Kirsche (weiß), die andere Seite der Edo Sakura (Weiß oder rot violett) Branchen weinend Kirsche (rot) und so weiter. Einfluß von Temperatur, Kirsch-japanischen Archipels aus dem Oakley sunglasses Norden entlang der südlichen Breiten, um zu öffnen, wodurch eine Vorauszahlung von Süden nach Norden, "Sakura Front." Japanisches Sprichwort geht, heißt "Kirsche
", ist, dass ein Kirschbaum welk aus der Öffnung auf etwa sieben Tage, Vollkornbrot aus blühenden Kirschbäume, um alle etwa einen halben Monat oder so zu danken. 

 In Japan ist Kirschblüte als glücklicher Objekte gesehen. In einer traditionellen Hochzeit und anderen festlichen Anlässen, oft trinkt ein Kirschbaum Blüten eingetaucht in Salzwasser auf die Kirsche Suppe hinzufügen, Geely nimmt die Bedeutung der Kirschblüten. Kirschblüte im April, ist es auch Schule, Büro der Saison, einen wichtigen Wendepunkt im Leben, so voller Kirschblüten und sie repräsentieren das Bild von Licht und Hoffnung air Jordan 2011 für die Zukunft. Darüber hinaus mit der Kirschblüte in Japan gibt es überall, genannt die Straßen, Bahnhöfe, Städte-, Marken-, Lebensmittel-, Tee, Suppe zu trinken. Yong Ying Schriftsteller Gedichte zu schreiben, malte der Künstler Kirschbaum Diagramm, Genealogie wie Sakura's Song, der Bank ausgedruckt Blume Designs der Noten, aus Kirsche Handwerk Workshops gemacht, Fernsehprogramme auf dem Hintergrund der Kirschblüten, Kirschblüten In machen Der Bericht umfasst insbesondere nicht offenen und dynamischen Spalte ... ... Kirsche Charme und Einfluss in allen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens eingedrungen Japaner daher, Japan ist auch bekannt als "Kirsche Land." In Japan Kirschblüte, Blumen überall kann man die Seite des Bankett Seite der Szene.


Eiffel Tower----The miracle of France

Eiffel Tower (French: La Tour Eiffel) is a built in 1889 in Paris, France Mars square hollow structural steel tower, 300 meters high, the antenna 24 meters high, total height of 324 meters. Eiffel Tower is named after its bridge design engineer Gustave Eiffel. Tower design unique, is the world's architectural masterpieces in the history of technology, and thus became an important French and Paris attractions and prominent signs.

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Eiffel Tower is one of the symbols of Paris, the French love to be known as the "Iron Lady. " It is the Empire State Building in New York, Tokyo, known as the world's three tower with the famous building. In 1889, the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, Paris held a major international exhibition and celebration. Fair, the most striking exhibits is the Eiffel Tower. It swept the world became a symbol of the industrial revolution. Eiffel Tower (also translated as "Eiffel Tower") is the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, located in the northern end of the square Mars south bank of the Seine. January 26, 1887 start, May 15, 1889 open, dating back more than 100 years of history. Notre Dame is like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, the Champs Elysees in Paris as a landmark.

Eiffel Tower is a miracle, not only because of its unique design, and construction of the tower is also faster than expected, costs less than expected. Fair program is started on May 6, and Tower March 31 to schedule. Eiffel and his record company to recover the cost of funds rate. Expo held in six months, the tower earned 140 million U.S. dollars, while the original estimated cost of only $ 1,600,000, plus there are government subsidies to 30 million before the end of the exposition has been fully recover their investments. Tower built in a very spectacular, so get a lot of the initial appreciation of critics. Including the then French Prime Minister Tirard, at first opposed his views on the project, but in the end of the day he was awarded the Legion of Honor Medal Eiffel (Legion of Honor). The Eiffel Tower has become the symbol of French high technology, has become the symbol of France.


Hollywood,a place bring you into the mystery paradise!

Los Angeles, California ve Los Angeles sahne çoğu bakan Hollywood işareti üstünden bulunan Amerikan film endüstrisi temsilcilerinin uluslararası kabul görmüş bir ev haline gelmiştir. Bu bayrak tüm Hollywood İş Konseyi atfedilebilir, onlar işareti tamamlanma zamanı tam olarak söyleyemem ama bayrak hikayesi 1923 yılında başladı "dedi. O sırada büyük bir gayrimenkul geliştiricileri bayrak olduğunda yapmak reklam toplum için yeni bir yüksek işareti kullanmaya karar verdi ABD california Hollywood, İngilizce adı: Hollyood, Calforna, ABD. ABD'nin batısında yer alan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri en ekonomik açıdan en kalabalık eyalet ve gelişti. Meksika'nın güneyinde, Pasifik Okyanusu ile batı. Golden State bir diğer adı. 411.000 kilometrekarelik yüzölçümü. Nüfus 29.839.000 (1990), kentsel nüfus ağırlıklı olarak% 50, Los Angeles ve San Francisco (San Francisco) bölgesinde yaşayan Pasifik, konsantre% 91.3, sorumluydu. Çin ve Meksika Amerikalıların% 50 Owns. San Francisco Chinatown en yoğun nüfuslu alanlarda Çinli olduğunu. Sacramento. Iklim, Eylül kuru mevsim Mayıs'tan itibaren yağışlı mevsim olarak bir sonraki yılın Nisan ayına kadar Ekim tarihinde sona eren ılımlı yıl Kuzey Kaliforniya ve Güney Kaliforniya, oldukça çeşitli yıllık yağış, güneyde yağış seksen santim kuzey kıyı alanı, süre on beş santim yıllık yağış, doğu çöl bölgesinde yıllık yağış Los Angeles gibi sadece daha azdır.

Hollywood cinema

Hollywood, kurşun ve küresel moda, DreamWorks, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Columbia, Sony en üst düzeyde temsil eğlence endüstrisi ve dünyanın en lüks markaları ile, dünya film endüstrisinin merkezi olan, ancak küresel moda doğum yeri değildir RCA JIVE Interscope Records üst plak şirketleri moda ve teknolojinin birbirleriyle gelişimi doğal değil içeren nerede Hollywood, içindeki kapsamındaki bir araya getiriyor gibi Universal, WB (Warner Brothers) ve böylece film devleri, böyle olduğunu yapay, desteğe yapmak güçlü bir moda arka plan ve görkemli bir teknolojiye sahip, dünya çapında taklit edilmiştir.

ancak, yerel eğlence endüstrisi nedeniyle geliştirilen stüdyo Hollywood, Hollywood, Burbank ve çevresindeki kentler gibi bir köşesindeki dağıtım kapsamı sınırlı değildi Amerikalı film ve televizyon endüstrisinin merkezi oluşturmaktadır. Hollywood şehir eski tiyatro öyküsü bulunmuyor birkaç yıl, genellikle bir film galası veya yerinde düzenlenen Akademi Ödülleri töreni olarak kullanılan şimdi de bir turist sıcak noktalar olur. 
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 Los Angeles büyük bir parçası olarak, Hollywood, ancak kendi belediye departmanları yok törenleri ihtiyaçları sadece, sözde "onursal başkan" olarak hareket etmek belirlenmiş bir resmi vardır. Şu anda, Hollywood Johnny, • Grant (J eski belediye başkanı Hollywood, ünlü yıldızların eline Hollywood Bulvarı'nda Çin Tiyatrosu en önemli yerlerinden biri olan yıldız ayak izi karşılamak için uluslararası turist çekmek için ayak izleri. onun Çin mimari tarzı adının bir görünüme sahip olan Çin Tiyatrosu, Mayıs 1927 yılında açılan, 69 metre yüksekliğinde bronz çatı gökyüzüne yüksek, sinema tasarım Çin sanat kavramı içinde de.

Çinli sinema 173 yıldız, turist ziyaret her ayak izleri yapmamışlar ki hala en cazip sinema antre, bazı göre yıldız iyi bir taraftan kendi parmak izleri onun idolü ayak izleri, çekim değil meşgul. Denzel Washington • • Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford • Mel Gibson • Tom • Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger • gibi birçok tanınmış Hollywood yıldızları ve burada bir iz bıraktığı, hatta Don burada şirin bir ördek ayak izleri kalır.


The whole world's economy!

peuple américain ne sont pas retenus les dépenses, mais en raison de l'abus de crédit à la consommation dans le passé, les découverts excessive, le chômage reste élevé, bien sûr, la consommation faible. Comment la crise financière vient-il? Était à l'origine d'une personne ne peut se permettre une maison, mais les banques se prêtent de l'argent pour vous acheter. Parce que les prix ont augmenté plus de deux ans, l'appréciation des cours que certaines banques vous rembourser un autre prêt, cette partie de l'appréciation, vous deviendrez prêts à la consommation a continué à gaspiller. La situation est complètement différente en Chine, la Chine se dirige vers la société M-type, à la fois riches et pauvres a augmenté, le milieu est manquant. La dépression, des restaurants et l'industrie du divertissement n'est pas normal, ne se réduit pas, mais a augmenté en raison de la richesse. Mais les gens ordinaires, pas nécessairement la façon dont le divertissement et la prospérité. Pour le cinéma comme un exemple. Sur l'écran toutes les 10 millions de personnes ont le nombre est de 0,41, les États-Unis est de 12,7, l'écart jusqu'à 30 fois. salaires M-bas et les classes inférieures est un fait objectif, salle à manger et la dépression de divertissement n'est pas directement liée à la dépression et ils n'en ont pas. Salle à manger et de l'industrie de divertissement que vous ne devriez pas juger la Chine ne voit que Beijing et Shanghai, vous allez à trois ou quatre lignes de petites villes et les petites villes pour voir certains hôtels de clôture de savoir où est la maison à la majorité du peuple chinois. 

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problème de la Chine d'inflation actuel n'est pas si simple, est la stagflation. J'ai fait remarquer que les années de cette question il ya plusieurs, de sorte que la parole contre quatre milliards de dollars. La stagflation est que la forte croissance économique n'a pas, et l'inflation en même temps. maîtrise de l'inflation est nécessaire de resserrer la liquidité, les taux d'intérêt, augmentation du taux de réserve pour le contrôle des prêts, sans aucun doute, il sera plus à lutter contre l'économie. Si vous voulez relancer l'économie, nous devons assouplir les liquidités et les pressions inflationnistes vont augmenter. Quel est le financement du développement économique par l'investissement local ou central pour assurer le développement économique est une proposition fausse. Nous années nonante l'insuffisance des infrastructures, réparer les routes et chemins de fer, de participer au développement du parc industriel de l'économie du commerce extérieur est correcte. Maintenant que l'infrastructure est déjà complète, et des lieux encore faire de grands efforts pour réparer la grande capacité d'excès de fer et de l'aéroport, cette route a pris fin.

 Le développement économique par l'investissement des entreprises et la consommation à des fins personnelles. Tels que l'économie cette année, il ya de sortie de 100, le gouvernement est suffisante pour obtenir 20 dollars, ce n'est pas pour la consommation publique Trois ou prendre l'ancienne route, mais devraient être mis en santé, l'éducation, la salle de sécurité, afin que les pauvres partager les bénéfices du développement; les 40 autres de quitter l'entreprise pour accroître la production, embaucher plus, augmentation de salaire, 40 personnes ont quitté l'argent de poche, alors naturellement vers l'économie fondée sur la demande intérieure. À long terme, n'est pas vraiment une garantie de l'investissement de développement économique et inefficace des projets locaux de la performance du gouvernement, mais les affaires ont été suffisamment d'investissements dans la recherche et le développement et la reproduction de profit, les gens ont suffisamment de pouvoir de dépenser pour acheter ces produits.


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"A nemzeti, a világ" Ezt a mondatot gyakran idézett. Én megtaláltam a forrást, az eredeti pálya Lu Xun mondta. A harmincas években a múlt század, Lu Xun "és hivatkozott Pavilion Collection" írta, "csak a nemzet, a világ." Jelenti, csak amit a közönség a nemzet, miután több ezer éves finomítási lepárlás, azt a vitalitás és állóképesség, annak érdekében, hogy a világ elismerését. Például a kínai selyem brokát, kerámiák, jade, kalligráfia és a pecsét faragás és így tovább.

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Nyolc évvel később, Lu Xun kifejezés lett a "nemzet, hogy a világ", az eredeti szöveg nyilvánvalóan hozzá egy csomó bizalom és a tolerancia. Azonban nem minden a népművészeti múzeum lehet akasztani a falra, nem minden a jelmezek lehet szállni a T egységek. Különösen a nemzeti ruhát, ha nem javult értelmezése, függetlenül attól, hogy mi Tujia és Miao, vagy Kelet-Európában, Magyarországon a Cseh Köztársaság, a legtöbb érezné magát egy kicsit rusztikus. Nézd élénk persze, nem kell a testen hordva!

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Által elfogadott nemzet a divat világában, kell egy célt -, hogy az egyszerű, de nem közvetlenül, finom, de nem bonyolult, de nem giccs elképesztő, intellektuálisan, de nem kiagyalt. Mint egy jó történet, azt hallottam nem szabad elfelejteni elgondolkodtató. Ez a "világszínvonalú" nemzeti divat, gyakran tapasztalt Qucuqujing maradni egyszerű bonyolult finomítási folyamat és a "világszínvonalú" nemzeti divat alkotók, művészeti és kézműves gyakran nem, de olvasta a könyvet gördül le a vonal Miles Road művész, így a " világ "nagyfokú értelmezése" nemzeti ". Gyerek voltam, az emberek a "nyugati stílusú" az a szó, dicséret valaki öltözött csinos. Az úgynevezett "nyugati stílusú" nem vonatkozik a nyugati stílusok, de ez a "világszínvonalú" a légköri szépség, ellenkezőleg, "falusi" egy naiv jelent.

Apropó, táskák, mondta egy hosszú idő előtt. Nemzeti légzsák, szoktam vásárolni a turisztikai látnivalók, a vásárlás, mint használni a dobás. Csak három maradt, le nem vásárol saját. Két származik Anya, Xishuangbanna kézzel batikolt táskák, nagyon szép textúra, hanem a pálca, de nyilvánvalóan nem a termelés a designer táskák, gyakorlati tartományban. Én keretes két zacskóban, a művészeti lóg a falon, összefüggésbe hozták a több mint tíz éve, minden alkalommal, hogy szerintem az én anyám. A másik az ex-férje küldött, Madrid, Spanyolország, velúr táska, hogy népi, de nem szellemi, csak a hétvégén, amikor meglátogatta a szabadtéri piacok vissza vissza. A legtöbb táskából tervezője stílusát a nemzet, csak kövesse szezonális divat, vagy egy esemény alkalmanként. Például 2007-ben, Dior, hogy megünnepeljék az ötvenedik évfordulóját Christian Dior New Look-és kreatív igazgatója tervező John Galliano dolgozott a tizedik évfordulója (idén márciusban csak múlt) bevezetése, tizenkét nemzeti változata nyeregtáska. Egyes tervezők, tedd a nemzetet a saját aláírásával design, mint Katherine Kwei örök csomót.


Have you remembered this city which is all around of water?

Venice is a city of northeast Italy, an important port for the northwestern coast of the Adriatic Sea Venice Beach. Population of 343,000 (Statistics show that the resident population of Venice in 1957 was 17.4 million, just released in October 2009 the resident population of less than 60,000, reaching the lowest level). Main was built in shallow water offshore the sea beach 4 km, with an average depth of 1.5 meters. By rail, highway, bridge and connected to the land. Made up of 118 islands, and to 177 channels, 401 bridges fused to the boat the same, the "Water City", "hundred Castle", "Bridge City".

Venice "due to water and health, because the water is beautiful, because of water Hing, because water problems."

Venice is a beautiful water city, which built the city building in the most unlikely place - the water - on the Venetian style always the "water", the winding Roadway, the flow ha, she is like a floating in blue water on the romantic dream, lingering a long time poetic. The city, there was once the most powerful in Europe hold the human, material and power. According to legend, the history of Venice began in AD 453; time Venice local farmers and fishermen in order to avoid cool addicted to the sword of the nomads, to turn to avoid the island in the Adriatic Sea. Venice looks like a dolphin, urban area of ​​less than 7.8 square kilometers, is made up of 118 islands, 177 canals, like cobweb clouds the meantime, these small islands and canals by about 401 bridges decorated with a variety of access connected. Long Beach, the city rely on a peninsula connected with the Italian mainland. Venice was a bustling town, where people live in good condition.


Venice is a beautiful city, which built the city building in the most unlikely places. This area is less than 7.8 square kilometers of the city, was once the most powerful in Europe holds the human and material resources and power. According to legend, the history of Venice began in AD 453; when farmers and fishermen of this place to escape the sword of the nomadic people addicted to cool and turn to avoid the island in the Adriatic Sea. Fertile alluvial soil, the stones in place and drawn, together with the interior of the wood near the boat during exchanges; in the mud, in water, our ancestors built Venice. Venice in the 10th century began to develop around the 14th century, this has become the busiest port city of Italy, known as the Mediterranean's most famous set of commercial trade of water travel in a city; 14 to 15 century heyday of Venice, the Italian The most powerful and richest sea "Republic", the Mediterranean trade centers. The beginning of the 16th century, as Columbus discovered America, the gradual decline of Venice, 1797, Venice submit to the rule of Napoleon, with a thousand years of history of the Venetian Republic from doom. 1849 war of independence against the Austrian victory. Until 1866 Venice Area, Italy was able to achieve reunification, and has since become a region of Italy.

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Venice was destroyed by fire and rebirth of the Phoenix Opera House, Bridge of Sighs Xu pen sad, the great Renaissance and Byzantine architecture, one of the world's most beautiful squares - Piazza San Marco, breathtaking beauty corridors, and prepare a romantic Rainbow Island, the island is full of fun ... ... the master of glass Antonioni film some of the most beautiful passages in here shooting. Here is the essence of the Renaissance
Is a world famous water city of Venice, its beauty is composed of water and bridges. Today, it is the world's cities without cars.

Venice's famous carnival history, 1979 has been restored and is currently one of the world's four major carnival. A man put on a mask, lost identity, to obtain freedom to defiance, and to indulge, this is a lot of people like the carnival grounds. It is said that during the holiday season, and said: "Hello, Mr. Mask." Carnival Christmas to catch up with the tourists are few, buy a mask to be much more convenient to buy several small mask souvenirs, but also not very cost large. Visitors also buy a clown's hat, in the streets the streets of their own entertainment. As to Venice, it may be presumptuous about.


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Saame näha, TV, Internet, ajalehtede ja muude massiteabevahendite aruanded, seekord saame tunda võimu Hiina rahvale enneolematu ralli, pärast maavärinat Premier Wen Jiabao kiirustasid maavärin kaks tundi kohapeal otsese päästetöödel alates riigi politseiametnike umbes People's Liberation Army, tule ohvitserid ja sõdurid, meditsiini meditsiinitöötajad olid aktiivselt kaasatud katastroofiabi. Inimesed kogu riigis on heldelt maavärina tõttu kannatanud piirkondades kaasa rahva armastuse, vaid paar päeva rohkem kui 130 doonori raha on miljardit eurot, millest annetatud üle paari miljoni ettevõtted ja üksikisikud Hong Kong Run Run Shaw Li Ka-Shing Tangshan maavärin orbude Zhang Xiangqing ja nii edasi. Näitas meile pildi Hiina rahvale enneolematut ühtsust ja ühtekuuluvust, kuigi suurt maavärinat katastroofi, kuid niikaua, kui me töötame koos me raskuste ületamiseks. Korrutatakse 1,3 miljardit, natuke aitab, muutub see palju; katastroofi jagatud 1300000000, muutub see väike.

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Alates aruanded neile, näeme, maavärin on põhjustanud 40.000 inimest tapeti, näitab nõrgenemise elu, kuid pärast 213 tundi pärast isoleerimist, vaid ka raske ellu jääda, ja näitab ka väga tugev elu. Nii et igaüks meist, peavad olema nõuetekohaselt elus. Seistes silmitsi selle katastroofi, iga maeti elusalt alla killustik kaasmaalaste loodan, et päästa võimalikult kiiresti. Re elavad kannatanud piirkondades ja mured kõik mõjutatud Qingkuang igaüks end sügavalt, tervist, kui tähtis on elada. See peegeldab teooria Maslow hierarhia vajadusi madalaimal tasemel - füsioloogilised vajadused ja turvanõudeid. Reaalses elus, paljud inimesed lähevad sõtta mõned loll väike asi, ja mõnikord kahjustada inimeste elu, ei ole seda väärt. Reality, terrorism, ekstremism, separatism, lopsakalt, kohalikud sõjad on toimunud, ees nii paljude süütute inimeste vahetu mitte-hall shell hävitamine, ebainimlik. Kogenud maavärin, nägu need faktid võivad mõnitama. Kõik huvide konflikte tundub vähem tähtis, kui hea elada.
3.miks maavärina kokkuvarisenud hooned ja avalikes hoonetes, peamiselt kooli hooneid? 

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Selles maavärin, me kõik teame, on palju alg-ja keskkoolide ning kooli hoonete varises, tappes suur hulk üliõpilasi inimohvreid ja kahjusid. Vaadakem seda häiriv ja kohutav stseene pildid: Beichuan maavärin varises keskastme kooli, 21 klassi umbes 1000 inimest, välja arvatud mõned isikud põgeneda, ülejäänud on kõik maetud killustik; Shifang City Ying Hiina gümnaasiumi hooned kokku varisenud, rohkem kui 200 õpilast maeti surnud või elus; Dujiangyan algkoolist Mindanao on õpetamise hoone varises kokku, 420 inimest olid maetud või koguda allikas varises keskastme kooli, 18 klassi ligikaudu 400 inimest maeti Green River ... ... ja gümnaasiumid, keskkoolid ja paljud koolid Yingxiu varises värisema, põhjustades palju inimohvreid ja üliõpilased, meil pole piisavalt psühholoogilist vastupidavust, et nimekirja koolides ja kooli hoonete kukkus enam täpsed arvud. Loodan, taevas on silmad ja rohkem eelistatud nendes vaesed üliõpilased, isegi kui maavärin lasta teiste maja maha maja vedelikuta seda, ei lõpe kunagi püüdnud leida süü lastega oli. Kuid inimesed ei saa aru, miks maavärin kokkuvarisenud hooned olid täis avaliku kooli hoonete ja kooli hoonetes; vähe valitsuse ja büroohoonetel ja hotellid? Siiski on nähtus, mis näib olevat, et inimesed mõistaksid vastused: et igaüks meist koht, kui te küsite kohalikke inimesi, kohalikke arhitektuurilise stiili, kus kõige rohkem? Kohalikud inimesed on alati viia ellu meie nägemus kohaliku omavalitsuse asutused ja rohkem vana kooli, kes ei tohi olla kahtlust. Mitte ainult uusi koole, büroohooned kohaliku omavalitsusega võrreldes, kas küljelt, nagu räbal inetu pardipoeg. Pole ime, et valitsus maavärin seisab pikk büroohooned, koolid, koolimajade oli kokku varisenud loomulikult.


Libya, the French took the lead in fighting for what?

First, Libya hopes to establish a French hit unique power power image. France, as has been stressed that not only the United States followed the lead of western countries in dealing with international affairs, despite the general direction consistent with the West, but the specific actions, it is often the way with the French maverick. This time, the question of France in Libya, is always walking in front of the United States and other Western countries, from the beginning of the recognition of the Libyan regime and the establishment of diplomatic opposition to today's first military strikes against Libya, the French were the first to hope that the Libyan military blow, set the image of France is unique, showing the importance of France in Africa, show that the French even more than when the superpower in the special big country the United States powerful image.

Second, give play to the role of former colonial countries, to support the interests of France agent. Libya prior to independence, long a French colony. The early 50s of last century, although the Libyan independence, as metropolitan France, in essence, is still imposing high-handed, through the Libyan dynasty has a huge interest in Libya. Despite the ruling Gaddafi in Libya 40 years, after all, sovereign state and the former colonial past "break the bones attached to tendons," there are inextricably linked, and now the Libyan opposition in the four major factions, especially the so-called democracy forces of opposition and former King School, is France's most want to support the object. By the former colonial countries, the first military strikes against Libya, the Libyan opposition stable footing to support the interests of France highlighted the role of agents for the interests of France Akira projects.

Third, Libya, Sarkozy's desire to fix the image by playing fish for political capital. Some people think that the reason why France, Libya, a dare, from Sarkozy pushy personality. It is not. Occurred in the absence of the "Arab Spring" before Sarkozy and Gaddafi to maintain a good relationship, Libya, the French energy companies are booming. Sarkozy wants to run for consecutive French President, in the current less than a year away from presidential elections, Sarkozy has continued to look sluggish famous case, if a military strike against Libya by the first, certainly for his own personal image to add positive.

Fourth, the long looks at Libya's oil resources. As the saying goes "no good can not afford early." France took the lead a military strike against Libya, it is the future for French giant in the oil fields of interest. According to CCTV reported this morning, the French energy companies in Libya, from 18 in 2008 when the boom to the current 32, and Libya's oil reserves of 360 million barrels, less than that of natural gas and another trillion .


Great life will start!

According to reports, "made famous song" to be used as a means to promote national education, because "made famous song" creating a "socialist core value system of a good carrier, is a good form of self-education of the masses", advocates predicted "Red Song" to "boost the community 'Manner'," people will be able to effectively play the role of education.

Song of mass education in the predicted effects of red before it is necessary to clarify, "made famous song" How a means of education? Its goal and purpose? Moral education, or civic education? Or just a simple party education? Logically speaking, since "made famous song" was not intended to train party members or party members and cadres should not be a mere party of education. "Red Song" since it is the purpose of "self-education of the masses", is to sing the majority of ordinary people, then, want to come, "made famous song" .


Best wishes for the people in the disaster area!

11 occurred in nine major earthquake northeast of Japan, not only to get out of the crisis is unprecedented in Japan cause social impact, and that is facing the risk of inflation to the global economy has cast a heavy shadow - International Finance market once again staged in August 2008 when the fall of Lehman's shares fell across the board there, commodity prices generally fall, "liquidity to avoid" the U.S. dollar and the yen caused the panic rose pattern. Fukushima nuclear power plant together with the leakage radiation is more to domestic and foreign investors on the future of the Japanese economy and the world economy, the possibility of second bottom add a lot of worries. So, we must ask: strong reaction to the market now will last long? China's economy will be severely drag? Will the world economy since the second-largest economy and third largest economies slow-down once again into a depressed state? The following, from Japan in the Northeast Economic Zone status of the global industrial chain, the nuclear impact of leaks on the strength of the Japanese economy and global capital flows onto the characteristics of the earthquake on Japan's domestic economy, China's largest trading partner and the world economy effect, which describes whether the short-term impact of the internal mechanism of the long-term, in order to determine whether the market provides a reasonable basis for over-reaction.

First of all, I think the Northeast today, inside and outside the economic consequences of the earthquake hazard is the largest nuclear power plant in Fukushima nuclear pollution. Despite this grave disaster to the Japanese society caused casualties and economic losses are enormous, but its Japanese manufacturing, the competitiveness of export industries and enterprises are not necessarily more than the impact of the Kobe earthquake in 1995 caused by huge negative impact. Today, because of support and the export competitiveness of Japanese manufacturing area mainly in three areas, Keihin area, Hanshin region and Kyushu regions. At present, the northeast region hardest hit by the economic performance of Japan will have to row in the middle and lower reaches of the location (Admittedly, in recent years, Northeast Japan, the pace of industrial modernization accelerated, many well-known companies within and outside the region established in Sendai and its production R & D base, etc.). The hardest hit Kobe in 1995, production capacity of only half a year of recovery, full recovery of the economy only two years, far better than the market was pessimistic expectations. Moreover, after 16 years of change in the degree of internationalization of Japanese companies has greatly improved ability to spread economic risk in Japan has increased greatly. If there is no further deterioration of the nuclear pollution, the Japanese industry's recovery and restoration of production capacity will not take too long.

However, if the worst situation occurs, that is a serious problem beyond the control of nuclear contamination, resulting in Japan had a large migration of population and industry, the situation, then this will take a huge financial cost of the "structural adjustment", may be the Japanese social panic shock: not only the global economy in Japan fell substantially, and the Japanese people panic selling bonds will leave the market price of Japanese government bonds plunged, triggering disgust "Japanese assets" of the domestic market their financial asset prices all the way down the panic phenomenon, the Japanese government will be forced to refinance can not afford "bankruptcy" stage. Of course, I believe that may be caused by nuclear contamination, "Sinking of Japan" before the crisis, the International Monetary Fund and the G7 countries as well as the major G20 members will join the ranks of aid. Otherwise, the economic power of the "exit" set off by the waves will be a serious threat to other countries, including China, the rhythm of the healthy operation of the economy.

In any case, from Japan's national character and economic base, the Japanese economy will not easily sink, and the market reaction today, many times over the financial capital may also want to change the price performance of seeking profits, so the decision-making departments and our the average consumer in the face of unexpected and major events, one should keep a clear head, to improve the whole society needs to get rid of the extraordinary events of crisis management capabilities. In this sense, we have seen the Japanese people the patience shown by the quality of the spirit Jordan 2011 men shoes and calm, these "soft power", especially in the face of serious crisis of the moment, even more than Japanese industry for many years to create the "hard power "to avoid potential disaster in front of the very chaotic situation and the resulting serious consequences of wrong decisions.


Love Can Last Forever

Let the whole world this time around things are very concerned about and focused than in just one week, one after another all over the world had more than earthquakes, which hit China's Yunnan Yingjiang 5.8 earthquake hit neighboring Japan is unprecedented magnitude 9.0 earthquake and devastating tsunami, almost! Frequent occurrence of natural disasters all over the news one after another upon us, so we all exclaimed: how human nature in front of small and helpless! There are a lot of friends talking about: the planet we live is not really to be transferred to a "vibration mode"?The Earth is not really to be transferred to the "vibration mode" we do not know, but one thing is undeniable, although the occurrence of the earthquake only a few tens of seconds or minutes, but the destruction of the human race is almost devastating, and requires a long recovery and make up! And such disasters are a test of human vitality and spirit of solidarity and friendly!

The face of this crisis, we should do is not sit still, but as soon as possible helping hand to fellow citizens, help them in dire straits! Today Yingjiang of Yunnan is in urgent need cotton, quilts, tents, food and medical aid equipment, plasma, excavators, generators and other supplies, I hope the community will do their best to lend a helping hand to the Yingjiang! Yingjiang fellow citizens to help us through the crisis as soon as possible!
Even if China and Japan have had some past history complexes, love and hate, the chaos, but this time we should be tolerant and objective of these temporarily aside, the humanitarian Asics running shoes and moral as the starting to look at Japan's current disaster! Faced with such a heartbreaking, the situation of fear and worried, and some we are not "lucky" but "tolerance" is not cold but the information knows no borders and sincere assistance to help!

I firmly believe that natural disasters no mercy, for love knows no borders and regions, as long as where there is difficult, we should reach out to them! I sincerely wish all of the affected areas and people are able to be strong through this difficult time! Cheer for you, come on!
Seeing the disaster of Yunnan and Japan, growing, and growing daily number of deaths, missing people and those who broadcast the news was destroyed houses, roads, and all the ruins, so that each person's heart cast a negative attitude towards life, one can not but think of the classic Hollywood disaster film "acquired" and "2012" in the plot.


The Violent earthquake happened in Japan!

Yunnan earthquake, Japanese earthquake, but we can not get from traditional media, first-hand information. Is a microblogging, microblogging everything once again demonstrated its rapid speed. Earthquake, shaking the houses that people sent in the first message, the world is through the microblogging concerned about the earthquake in Japan, had to say, it is now his "poisoning" of the deep, critical moment in the life and death also can not forget microblogging. These two days, brush off throughout the micro-blog news of the earthquake in addition to forward, more is through micro-Bo pray, Sina more open microblogging tracing of seismic activity in the morning to see when open microblogging, I am also secretly praise, microblogging before the incident reflected the rapid, thoughtful consideration, and its timeliness, openness, high forwarding rates overshadowed again by traditional media. Tracing the earthquake? Do not know how many people will always pay attention to it again to understand the latest developments! Anyway, to me, in want to know when the latest will be the first time to focus on micro-blog.

As a new form of communication, microblogging settled since August 2009 has experienced a variety of accusations over the freedom of speech, microblogging war of words, etc., people talking about the emergence of microblogging touch the bottom line of speech , it has quietly changed our lives. Microblogging love child beggars, Premier Wen asked people answer, and now the most popular microblogging live two, it's position in the minds of the rising, gradually began to get rid of the most confusing chapters of the phenomenon. Some people say that this is to do micro-Bo Gong Guan good White to China in a strong, nothing unused Yan Likun, and Ming Ren speculation, so she quickly soar, and when the freedom to engage cheap Oakley sunglasses and other characteristics, receive the sought after young people, and then at the peak time of the reverse image, follow the policy, like the government to move closer to a smooth landing, the position will naturally be more able to shake, enough capital to keep up with disdain for the site later. Now many people think that public relations in the difficult start when they can learn the history of Micro Bo, its birth, growth, maturity process of public relations firms should learn from each.

 Earthquake, praying, again narrowing the distance between people, whether in Japan or in Yunnan, we all offer the most sincere wishes. The face of disaster, people become more united, more courage, the same face of disaster, the intermediary role of micro-Bo, it has become more powerful.13 California Institute of Technology released a report that Japan on the 11th major earthquake occurred in nine powerful, leading to move to North America in eastern Japan, 12 feet (3.6 meters).Reported that the earthquake in Japan triggered aftershocks will continue, although the frequency decreased, but there will not rule out the strength of the larger aftershocks. According to monitoring data provided in the report, so far associated with the earthquake magnitude 5 or more foreshocks and aftershocks occurred 200 times, of which up to magnitude 5 earthquake has more than 20 times before.The report, scientists from the earthquake to get a lot of valuable information, so that they more accurately observed that the plate is moved in the place where the earth, the earth is how to change.The report notes that the earthquake, many buildings did not collapse violently shaking, which is very rare in the past, suggesting that the ability of the future should build more buildings with earthquake.


America's oldest casino

Las Vegas is America's oldest casino. Las Vegas, Nevada is one where the scorching heat, the sparse desert vegetation, the state government financial constraints, it gambling legislation. Gambling industry to make the desert town of extra cash, and prosperity. Las Vegas landmark is the casino hotel. Than a such a luxurious building, a more than a strange strange. Such as the Mirage Hotel Casino entrance, there is a huge active volcano model, automatic spraying every 15 minutes, burst time, spray the flames, becoming a major spectacle casino. 

Las Vegas to California on the road had only an oasis, is surrounded by an endless desert. 30 years of the 20th century, gambling Nevada, decided to make a legitimate business, this order came out, almost overnight, the urban areas have been established casinos. Las Vegas, "Las Vegas" in the name and it has spread.
At night, no matter where you drive a road to Las Vegas, far away in an hour's drive outside of, you can find in front of the head often bright sky. Turn until the last hill, are looking at the magnificent scenery, will make all the people will never forget. Las Vegas, one in the vast desert of dazzling pearl in the night both said, regardless of Teenage always exudes infinite charm to attract people to come. Las Vegas is a gorgeous and sad playground. Many people choose to gamble here: money, love or the destiny. Assembled here by chance and encounter too many, no one knows who the next minute will be what happens in their own: between hell and heaven is one step away. 


Stretching in the faint state of the brain half asleep, the car stopped suddenly, so that we suddenly awake. I looked out the window, Hey, we live downtown. Is it a mirage? This bustling city are very lonely and suddenly the rise of in a desert. Blocks of tall buildings in the bright lights and neon signs advertising marked a startling characters: "Casino" (Casino). We visit a few casinos, they have in common is: luxurious decoration, equipment, pay attention, everything living facilities. Above the casino floor, is comfortably furnished rooms. Casino features a bar, cafe, restaurant ... ... and much cheaper than the market price charged. Americans seem to believe in "a small fish to catch a great" philosophy of the casino in order to "encourage" a lot of travel agencies to attract gamblers, especially given all the concessions. Therefore, the travel distance than the same time as other tourism projects to be much lower: and as the visitors prepared to distinguish between gambling: gambling full days of "fat consortium", 6 yuan per person (weekends and holidays received 12 yuan) ; day gambling one day tour of the "Tourism, Development Foundation," 32 yuan per person; and all free, without any restriction of the "tour", then 42 yuan per person. Casino "not suitable for children", "fat consortium" members, such as underage children to carry, charge 32 yuan for each child, not preferential treatment, not encourage them to learn at an early age gambling, it is probably out of the casino's "conscience" of it!

Long wanted to see what Las Vegas is. This huge world-famous casino, like the powerful magnet, attracting every day from all corners of the earth tens of thousands of gamblers and tourists. Hot sun and we were actually so close, seemed to be melting grilled wagon; endless sand dunes, barren ridge in the street extension. Ah, Olga Bay desert! No trees, no houses, no pedestrians, and only patches of low tropical shrubs and cacti, perhaps even in the desert for the survival of these plants also feel excessive drought, which appears to wither withered . All life seemed to be steaming in the choked. Organize our travel guide to Las Vegas, solemnly announced: At the moment, the vehicle temperature is 120 ° F. Although the car has air conditioning, it can only drop 20 ° F or so. Our blood sweat and felt Chunjiao Shezao, throat pain. In these circumstances, so that we could not help thinking of Dante's "Divine Comedy." Is this the way is the way to hell?